Takeaki Araki
Associate Professor,
Phase Transition Dynamics group, Department of Physics, Kyoto University
e-mail: araki.takeaki.5a
tel: +81-75-753-3825
Research interests
Phase transition dynamics, Soft matters, statistica physics, numerical simulations
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
google scholar
Short Curriculum Vitae
- July 1972, Born in Nagasaki (Japan)
- March 1995, Graduated from Tokyo University (Department of Physics)
- April 1995-, Technical Associate of Tanaka laboratory
- July 2001-, Research Associate of Tanaka laboratory
- March 2003, Doctor of Engineering (Tokyo University)
- April 2008-, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University
- Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan (2007)
- Young Scientists' Prize by MEXT (2009)
Organizing experiences
- YITP Workshop "Structures and Dynamics in Soft Matter - Beyond Self-Organization
and Hierarchical Structures -"(2006.7.14-16) , organizer
21st century COE and SEIKEN (No. 46) International Workshop on
Recent Advances in Soft Matter Physics (2006.8.21-23), organizer
- YITP Workshop: New frontiers in colloid physics: A bridge between micro-and macro scopic concepts in soft matter (2007.7.25-27), Chair organizer
- International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter (2008.6.2-5), Local Committee
- JSPS Japan-France Bilateral Joint Seminar 2008 -Frontiers of Glassy Physics-
, (2008.11,19-22), Organizer
- International Conference Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics IV (UCGP2008), (2008.11,25-28), Organizer
- International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter 2010 (2010.8.17-20), Local Committee
- JSPS Core to Core program, International research network for non-equilibrium dynamics of soft matter (2011-2012), core member
- JSPS Core to Core program, Non-equilibrium dynamics of soft matter and information (2013-2017), core member
- Phase Transition Dynamics in Soft Matter :
Bridging Microscale and Mesoscale (2012.2.20-22) , Organizer, Vice chair
- Satellite workshop on Phase Transition Dynamics (2012.2.19) , Organizer
- Self-organization and Emergence Dynamics in Active Soft Matter (2013.2.18-20) , Organizer
- Physics of Structural and Dynamical Hierarchy in Soft Matter (2015.3.16-18) , Organizer
- the 8th Japanese-Italian Liquid Crystal Workshop JILCW2016 (2016.7.5-7), Organizer
- The 27th International liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018) (2018.7.22-27) , Local committee, organizing committee
- Grand Views of Soft and Liquid Matter Physics(ILCC2018) (2020.3.9-12) , Organizing committee
- The 7th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC2023) (2023.2.27-3.3) , Organizing committee
- The 10th Japanese-Italian Liquid Crystal Workshop JILCW2020 (2020) , Organizing committee
- OLC2021 (2021.9.26-10.1) Organizing Committee